Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life is Good! God is Listening.

So today I was in a blah mood this AM so I prayed. God never ceases to amaze me when I give him even my emotions. I went into Publix (grocery store) to return the sushi that I purchased that didn't taste quite right. When I went back to the sushi bar the chef offered to make me a fresh sampling. While waiting I went down the coffee isle and the coffee grinding rep was present. He offered me 2 bags of coffee for FREE and ground up the beans for me. I felt that though these were 2 simple acts of kindness God had a way of smiling on me which lifted my spirit.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Israel Houghton | Moving Forward & Every Prayer feat. Mary Mary

OMG, THIS IS MY NEW ANTHEM! So many times I've bucked against the things that were placed before me not recognizing them always as GOD-ORDAINED, but GOD in His love, mercy & patience for me. Thank you Daddy! Tonight, I blog with a heart that is open to God. I have finished my "Untangling Relationships" book and previously The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse and several other works but these 2 have made be feel as though I have been re-born. I am so thankful. I have experienced many wonderful things that may not have seemed wonderful at the time, but on the other side of the experience, I can call it wonderful. I have gotten to behold the glory of God in so many forms and all I can say is, "Thank You, Lord!" Thank you to all of you that have been a partner of mine at any part of this journey. I realize that God allows us to change partners so that we can learn the dance of life that He meant for us to experience. So many time I have preferred to keep things and people as they are, but today I can also thank him for removing those that were too familiar too. Be blessed as you hear the words of this song!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 53 ... I forgot to mention!

I have put a request in to Groupon to be a featured business for real estate and for ethnic hair.

Another short sale has been approved! This is one that had 3 loans on the property.

Day 53...Just Being

Wow! I didn't realize it has beem almost 10 days since my last posts! So many revelations, points of growth and small accomplishments have occurred. The most major being the insight God gave me regarding my not doing the book, Untangling Relationships. I'm so glad to have a mentor that is truly spirit-led because she had the audacity to call me right after I got to the end of doing The Work on this matter using Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet and Inquiry in the book, Loving What Is. For this I am so thankful because it required that I allow myself to be vunerable without letting a moment pass me by. I have since recommitted to doing the book for healthy reasons.

I have not been consistent with not eating after 8pm.
I have been working out and this week began P90X! I have fantasized about doing this workout regiment for a long time. Now, in the mix, it is so not a joke. I am learning more about myself. I am now asking God to remove the limitations off my mind. There is a point when I am so in the mix and feeling the burn that to continue at the intensity that matches the instruction will require me to go just beyond that ummmdhfiodhfdif - like this invisible barrier which will yield greater results. I am challenging my limits because what I know to be true that its not just with exercise. Its with business, church, accepting my gift to inspire and exercising in a greater capacity.

Oh how I wish I could share everything here, but to do so would turn a blog post into a book. So I'll keep it brief...I've created my short sale package & look forward to it being uploaded to my website. I have had more referrals in the last week than I have had in the last 6 months for REAL ESTATE!! You know this excites me. I am back in school and these classes have a lot of reading...its made me see the need to finish my Speed Reading course so I've added it to targets to accomplish. What's amazing is seeing how the untangling relationships book and the psychology class compliments each other in the sense the psychology class is explaining the development without codependency and the Untangling Rel book is making the opposite correlation. I realize why we have our goals posted in the Family Room (the main room we watch tv)...it is to remind us when we choose to watch tv that we have other choices. I am rarely watch tv, but its not comfortable doing it even rarely if I haven't made meaningful steps towards some worthwhile goal. Thanks for reading! For those of you that are sharing, I'm enjoying reading about your transformation. Have you noticed a measure of honesty that runs deep?

Friday, September 17, 2010


CHAMPIONS endure to the end...with a worthwhile goal in view. U r a CHAMPION! Now act like it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 67...Fearlessness

This morning I have had a few "AHA!" moments.

"the chastisement of our peace is upon Him" - I found this scripture in Isa. 53:5. My heart so elated because after listening to a series on FEARLESS LIVING, I acknowledged the areas within me that I am unbelieving and this part of a scripture was God's response to me. In reading it, I got a whole new revelation about this scripture (more richer, than what I've heard or read before). Did you know that Jesus was bruised for our guilt and iniquities and the chastisment [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him? OMG! I never understood it like this before!

Then, Holy Spirit began to show me that living fearlessly is moment by moment. I like to feel like I have a wrap on things and some things I might, but this one is moment by moment. I wasn't conscious of how choosing faith or fear can be so subtle in so many things that I do.

Then while out running this AM, it occurred to me...LIGHT BULB MOMENT: It's about doing to good things long enough that I replace my old habits (agreements) with new good habits (agreements). Something as simple as running...my goal is to run a 1/2 marathon in February. Starting back running has been a challenge for me, even though I am doing my bike, weights, jumping rope and other stuff...none of it is running. So I must train my body to run again. As I choose daily to run, as the training program has been designed, my body is going to respond differently because I am teaching it what to do. Then, I will be able to make a demand on my body to respond in a manner that it has been conditioned to respond to. GLORY TO GOD!!! I just saw this as the answer with other areas of my life such as business, prospecting and so forth. The question becomes, "How am I conditioning my faith, body and will to respond to?" WOW!

God has given us a fabulous day to enjoy even though it may be challenges, He still expects us to enjoy our day. Be sure to do that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 68 :-) Finding Treasure @ Home

What I meant to say was...(The system says I can send a text to my blog. So in my attempt to do that obviously, I can do it but it doesn't translate into the english language). Anyway, what I meant to say was...

So far so good! I keep finding stuff at home that I didn't even see before that is helpful & relevant for me each day. So, today, I noticed my O Magazine, Nov 09 - article, "Who Are You Meant to Be?" OMG!! Since the mishap with the blog, I've read another, "But What If I'm Scared of Change?" A line that stuck out to me in this one is: "Change is as inevitable as rain in the spring. Some of us just put on raincoats & splash forward."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 69...Yes.

When was the last time you felt God beckoning for you to come to Him? No...really? This evening I experienced Him urging me to come into His presence and to not follow my routine with regard to coming in the house and getting dinner going and getting on the computer and talking and all the other things I naturally do. This time alone with Him was refreshing especially after experiencing the feeling of not being able to do what I wish I could've done & tell my friends, "yes". I'm so glad He (God) showed me first through the Word that He knew what I was experiencing in having to forgo what He knows I would've love to have done. In exchange, coming across this video reminded me of my desire to tell Him, "YES!" without any pretense and to really do what He's calling me to do. Oh, this ministered to me. Thank you Shanea for sharing the video that ministered to you...I was encouraged by it also. However, this one, Umh! I've decided to say, "Yes." Have you ever got to the place you were tired of being scared? (That's me! Nat, you are my sister.) Pray for me. Here is the video that blessed me..."Your worship means nothing without, "Yes!".



Sunday, September 12, 2010

Part 2...Okay I Had to Come Back

I noticed something today... I get this feeling/thought/glimpse of what I'm to do. The thought, then feeling that follows says, "I don't need to do that today." Then this twinge of something happens that is very fast. I caught it today. This is what procrastination is. Its is like a 2 faced monster that smiles on one side and you feel good that you think about doing what you should do, but all the while on the other side it is enticing you to sabotage your progress by delaying or waiting which will result in inactivity. OMG! So the thing that this occurred with was working out (riding my stationary bike), which I don't normally do on Sunday, but what does the day have to do with anything? I haven't worked out in the past couple days so doing this work would be good. Instead of giving into to those justifying thoughts of not doing it, I did it. While riding listening to my music, Marvin Sapp came on "I Never Would've Made It". I listen and sang along the first time, but I felt a need for a replay. This time worshipping on the bike. I know my speed was faster because of how my legs and behind felt after the ride. I'm better because of it and calories have been mutilated too! It's important that I catch that things that is quick/a glimpse the that happens seconds before procrastination is decided.

So, as I was coming upstairs, a part of scripture came to me, "most holy faith". In scanning www.bible.com; it is Jude 1:20...check out the text:

17 -19But remember, dear friends, that the apostles of our Master, Jesus Christ, told us this would happen: "In the last days there will be people who don't take these things seriously anymore. They'll treat them like a joke, and make a religion of their own whims and lusts." These are the ones who split churches, thinking only of themselves. There's nothing to them, no sign of the Spirit!

20 -21But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!

22 -23Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith. Go after those who take the wrong way. Be tender with sinners, but not soft on sin. The sin itself stinks to high heaven.

24 -25And now to him who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in his bright presence, fresh and celebrating—to our one God, our only Savior, through Jesus Christ, our Master, be glory, majesty, strength, and rule before all time, and now, and to the end of all time. Yes.

Message Bible. I shall obey. Good Night. Sweet dreams.

Day 70...ALL I DO IS WIN! WIN! WIN! No matter what...even when it looks like I'm losing

Its not until now that I realize just how much I have had my nose to the grind this past week. I am thankful about the progress I am making. It is important that I not try to take giant leaps right now as attempting to do so causes me to become overwhelm and "overwhelm" doesn't compliment me well.

Shontice and I just took a pause for the cause...she wants to organize her FAVs before we go any further with the college research and prospective athlete application submissions. She thinks it is perfectly normal for us to be working on this together. I have been there with her regardless of what she was embarking on or overcoming. She should feel this way. However, she has no idea how blessed she is & I am too. My eyes fill with tears knowing that I am capable of doing this especially when no one did this with me. Then, for God to have put so many good people along our path to guide us when because He knows I have no idea and I not have to stop and read as many books on this one subject. Thank you so much to each of you! You are part of my 50,000 coaches!! One of the apps required a self-evaluation by the basketball player. I could see she was stumped (I don't want her to be)...I began telling her what I thought fit there. She typed as I spoke, then looked up at me to say, "Ma, do you really think I am all of that?" "Of course and there could be more said, but we ran out of space." She was ready for a break on that note.

I am so proud of myself. I finished 2 books between last pm and this AM; even notes for easy reference. (I realize nuggets for the non-profit were tucked away in my finishing the books!) I set up my business pages on Facebook and published them. I began typing my NEW AGREEMENTS (I decided I want to see them on my mirror to remind myself more often). Thanks, THERESA, your example I believe is what inspired me to do my week's goals. So, i've laid out this week's goal in my journal and I have accomplished 4 items already. This past week, I handled a situation with that involved the 2 girls wanting to ride with us from Grayson. I am not going to recount the details but it was good (even though it didn't feel good) and a teachable moment for Shontice and all involved. Through this I realize there are some things that children must see you deal with while you are dealing so they don't pick up people pleasing ways and other dysfunctional habits. I'm just glad I have experienced the 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse prior to this experience and not have to have the baggage from my past battling in my present. Then there was this landlord situation, which I was so glad to have my husband come to my defense. Then, exercise the professional authority to get the results that we've been awaiting. The most I can say is this was a week aggressively and asserting my authority. It felt like a fight all week in order to ascertain several things, from short sale approvals to refunds to tenant issues and so on. I'm still standing! God is awesome. Not that I want to go through any of it again this week, but I'm glad He is strengthening my hands, heart & knees. Then letting me know when I have done all I could do and to rest in Him. I expect to continue to exercise and eat well. I am gaining discipline by doing the actions that matter.

Comfort Zone - Marvin Sapp

Oh, my son was singing this song last week as I listened, I thought it was something he was creating because I had never heard the song. I said, "Benjamin, where did you get that song?" His response of surprise that I had never heard it was amazing to me...he couldn't tell me who sang it, but he knew it stayed in his ...head. So today, I share it with you because I just heard it on a CD that I have but never heard. I'm coming out of my COMFORT ZONE...how about you? Let it minister to you. Oh, happy day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 76 (Tues 9.7.10)....WHAT A FIGHT!

Oh, we are in there now y'all! I am doing my best to unwind right now. Today, has been a day of fighting. It started with the life insurance lady taking her frustrations out on me that she received our medical testing order today and the appointment is tomorrow and ended with receiving a letter from PG Housing Authority re our MD property; with other stuff in between. It seems to have been one thing after another, when it couldn't be verbal then the emails. I feel like I have been praying through all day! WHAT A DAY! So after all of that, I realize I give my energy away. Its like I know I am not wrestling with flesh and blood, but it sure feels like it. I'm not quitting nor am I throwing in the towel. Oh, no! However, I must not wage war as like it is a physical fight and ask God during the battle more freqently than I did today to show me how to fight. I actually feel like I've been throwing blows all day long. So pray for me... Five (5) things that I am thankful for today because I am still victorious:

1) I am thankful for my husband and his ability to step in and cut off some crapola at the knees.
2) I am thankful for the joy of preparing my family a totally vegetarian meal with a superfresh salad to go with it. I don't think they realized they didn't have any meat (not even fish). It was fun even planning it.
3) I am thankful for having the courage to step to and confront each situation today without losing my sanity or destroying my testimony. I actually drove to ATLANTA from Gwinnett County to the parking lot that overcharged me before filing fraud charges. LOL! (I am actually laughing at myself right now just thinking back over the situation. I know Ariguy (the man in the booth) was not used to this. He gave me the management's name, address, phone number and all.)
4) I am thankful for being able to see my family and know that I am loved and appreciated.
5) I am thankful for being able to run 2.25 of the 3.1 mile - Webb Gin House Road today (I don't know why I've been wanting to do this, but I did)!
6) I am thankful for being able to put my own issues to the side to be a listening hear & just a text away for 2 of my partners.

God, thank you for being there for me during this day of various conflicts. This is more than I've seen in one day in a long time. I realize I am not the only one experiencing this and that I shouldn't think it strange when these things happen. Thank you for letting me see where I can use a little more maturity. Now, help me to unhook from those things that mattered too much and for anything that's holding onto me to lose its grip. I ask that anyone that's reading this that had even an inkling of a day of what I endured, that you would refresh them and help them to renew their mind in you as I pray the same for myself. All of those that are doing the 90 day challenge, that they have the courage to recommit themselves daily to the call you have on their lives and agree with the mandate you have made with them personnally. We love you God. We really do want our light to shine for you and and to be that city the sits upon the hill that cannot be hid. Thank you for giving us these opportunities to do so today. We know we almost struck the rock, but thank you for the restraint that you placed in each of us to not do so. Please forgive me for even the thoughts of wanting to go astray. Now, as we turn in for the night, allow us to enter into the rest that you have ordained for us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 80 (Fri)...DOING IT AFRAID

I am soooo excited! I have been confronting what I think I was afraid of only to find out it, it wasn't what it seemed. So, just a moment ago, I went on & dealt with my college enrollment. I have never used a student loan so I was quite apprehensive about doing it now. I asked the financial office registrar what would my outstanding balance be if I didn't use the student loan. She said, "$225". OMG!!!! I was thinking it would be more because of the loan amounts on my award. Y'all I paid that with a smile and a dance. To think I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to pay the difference and not wanting the loan, meant I wouldn't be able to go to school which I really didn't want to happen. I am in it to finish debt free.

Of also conquerored some other challenges...I've called the doctor (going to get supplements tomorrow), the title company (found out they could help me with the calls and follow-up for my short sales at NO COST TO ME or MY CLIENT), began the process to change life insurance company, confirmed the life insurance change for children, and now getting ready to do my book by Kiyosaki & Trump. My quiet time was different too... It felt like I was avoiding stuff, so I talked to God about that, too. Being 100% present, I felt the need to address the question, "What are you afraid of?" for each thing that I was avoiding. It seemed once I got really clear about that I moved forward. However, prior to that I was trying to leave the house to go get needed items, but not as much needed as it was for the other stuff that I have faced. Lesson learned about myself: I have the capacity to run to things that feel more appealing rather than facing what is necessary just so I can feel good putting off the "necessary" for the "nice". Make it a great Labor Day weekend with discipline. Thanks for reading.

Day 83 (Tues), Day 82 (Wed), Day 81 (Thurs)

This is a brief synopsis of the past 3 days...each day, with exception of Tues I ate past 8pm, but stayed the course with my eating habits. Each day I spent time alone with God! Leading up to the end of the 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse it was like God was slow walking me to the end rather than the sprint that I wanted to do. Days began to overlap where I realize that He didn't intend for me to rush the process knowing that Friday was my Re-birth Birthday. I didn't realize that at the beginning of the week. The special events of this week are commemorated below...

Tues (Day 83): God used my clients to bless me. Keefa was first to purchase my hair products. New client, Denise, in hearing and observing her purchase, was released to tell me about a formula that she had not with anyone else and for me to partner with her. Of course, I am excited because of what I know I wrote in my journal on 8-14-10 about this type of experience occurring. I will continue to pray and ask God what does "partnership" look like. See, I learned my lesson before and this time I do it with Him or not at all. Then, I felt the need to release my daughter for someone else to do her hair because though I do it and do it well I want to encourage her to be more versatile and free with it and I believe that she will mature in to other styles and the health of her hair will improve, so I enlisted the help of Toni West, my girl! She did a superb job and Tice's next appt is set.

Wed (Day 82): To think that God set me up so that I can now comfort someone else with the same comfort that I have received...He did, I met with one of the ladies that asked me to be her accountability partner and many of the same lessons I had just come through w/the 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse, I could share. I know He hand picked her. Then for Bible Study...I didn't feel released to leave for Bible Study until I had finished applying for this real estate position as anxious as I was being about it. I slowed down and finished, then was reminded of it being broadcasted over the internet!!! I had a great time with my family in the kitchen and I kept going pass the broadcast, showing my hubby how to WOBBLE (;-) - LINDA) and a couple other things on youtube.

Thurs (Day 81): Was a day of handling my business, accounting and reconciling matters with my household, calling & addressing matters of overpayment and so forth; filing papers away and just keeping order. A little of that will continue into Day 80. The blessing...God is still taking care of us!

My Journey of Getting Out of My Own Way...My Rebirth Bday!! 1 Year Old

Oh, how joyful I am this morning to realize just how changed that I am. Yesterday I completely finished the 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse and I am liberated in my mind, my heart and my spirit. God is awesome! To realize that one year ago, I got really sick of myself and the muck & mire I had allowed myself to dwell in to the degree that I decreed one year from that day (9-3-09) that I would be changed. I would look different, feel different and be different all in every positive way imaginable. Today, I write with tear-filled eyes, remembering where I have come from and knowing that without God's help and that declaration I could still be where I was. Oh, how I rejoice today!! Oh, how I dance today! Oh, how I sing today a new song...Don't Count Me Out by Marvin Sapp says it all right now. I am sooooo thankful for each of you who have been instrumental in affirming, encouraging, mentoring, loving, correcting, and mentoring me along the way. I really do have 50,000 coaches and God is ever amazing me with just how good He is to me. I began rejoicing last night reminding my husband of this day at midnight! Oh, happy day! Then to see God have my pastor to declare a 90 day mandate, WOW!!!! God is ensuring that I continue in the way that I continue to shed, make progress and quantum leaps for Him and that are for my good. Who would've thought I would even have NEW AGREEMENTS, DECREES & DECLARATIONS??? God does that! Thanks for reading. Posts will continue. The journey ain't over. This is just a marker for me to remember... AHA! My memorial stone :-)

Marvin Sapp | Don't Count Me Out

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 84 (Mon)

What a day! What a day. So this morning God wakes me up just before 4 am. I felt the need to look up pandora's box, but didn't find it, but I did find the "past" as a subject in my concordance in my Bible. God took me to different scriptures regarding "the past". I finished day 19 of 21 - I just couldn't do it last night feeling the way I was; even though today is 20 of 21 (I did get to it too later today). The funk I felt knowing I had to address the person today made me want to strink back and use busyness to occupy my time and avoid them. God is so loving, he had my leader to text me to let me know she was praying for me at the precise time I wanted to strink back and just brush the hurts back under the rug. "I've lived with it this long, may be I'm tripping" is what I told myself. I shared this with her via text and she evolved into a coach over the text. Her encouragement made me know I had to follow through. Well, I did. Today at lunch, tears and all. Questions and feelings I had never expressed. I feel that I emptied out completely; the well is dry. I asked God to fill it with Him, His love and His way; occupy that space until You show me what to do. I don't know if anybody else is experiencing anything like this, but when you surrender and really give God your all, I am amazed with the things He is causing me to address. He is freeing me for a reason, I'm sure if it is for no other reason than to serve Him better than I've been. I want to be elevated in Him, His way. In my quiet time this morning, it occurred to me that this matter that I had to address was a generational stronghold. My mother, grandmother and grandfather, aunts and uncles battled this but never addressed the hurt. They just brushed it under the proverbial rug and just moved on, so they think. I've learned that it may look like you moved on, but you are still hooked in with the unaddressed issue. I'm glad I made the leap.

It occurred to me that during this 90-Day Mandate, many people are focused on losing physical weight, but for me the mental weight is what I must lose. Also, I learned something about myself...when things are so deep that I don't want to address them or am overcome with fear, I just want to go to sleep (as in last night).

Thank you Lord for the deliverance you are allowing us to experience as the body of Christ.

I worked out today and addressed the matter for LASALLE PLACE. It actually looks like we are going to close the deal. Then, I found another house for a different client. I am thankful that I get to do what I enjoy (real estate)!

Day 85 (Sun)

This day began interesting from the time my eyes opened to the end that I chose to be numb and disconcerted. I awakened out a dream that reminded me of someone in my very first cell group where I was the leader and an ordeal that occurred. I didn't realize how hurt I was over how the L instructed me to carry out (now what I call "faulty" wisdom) matters. The root of the matter from Day 86 came forth as well. I journalled about both of these and presented them to God, then though I perceived His instructions were to talk with my Leader, I struggled because my mind was saying something else. I chose to obey Holy Spirit rather than lean to my own understanding and experienced guidance that required me to really talk about a past matter with the person involved. Her prayer for me made be feel empowered to carry out the instructions.

Then my pastor of all days had be a part of the message to illustrate how we hear, respond and react from triggers rather than the truth of what is being said as a result of our childhood scars. While I didn't feel this was applicable with me and my son, I still asked God to reveal anything that could still be lingering. Okay, so we leave church and needed to stop by Walmart. I felt the need to park in the farthest side of the parking lot from the door and have my children walk with me not cut across the lot. Do you know during this time, my son shared with me the thing that I do that bothers him and what makes him not want to help me. I was glad and made defensive take the back seat. This gave me a chance to apologize and request that he not let things like this linger. I want to know. While I know I wasnt raised in a functional home, I believe that I can raise mine in one. So, even if I am in the wrong I too must be corrected also.

We exercised as a family around Stone Mountain. I've also agreed to run a half marathon in February! I've always wanted to do it, but now I will get to and have the training to condition my body for the 13 mile stretch.

Day 86 (Sat)

Day 86 - Saturday: I had the pleasure of attending a women's leadership meeting where I learned about providing a compelling reason for others to be apart of what you are offering, whether it is Christ, a church or anything else. In the midst of this great experience, I learned about the boat knot and how it will save my life which changed my perspective for wanting to know how to tie the knot. The one piece that was most life changing is I heard God through my leader encourage me to give Him the part of my heart that is behind lock and key. So, upon departing to do a favor for someone, my van broke down. I had the choice of seeing this as a negative which would take me out of my element or positively and with purpose which would compel me to spend this down time wisely. I chose the latter. I also used this time to give God that part of my heart that I haven't shared with anyone. Thinking that the pain that's behind that door was way to much to handle, that I would just move on and keep living. In giving that part to Him, I didn't expect Him to spring forth challenges within hours to have me to see what was really there. I was faced head on with a situation that reminded me of the past, except this time, I confronted the person in the most love I could muster up and even asked hard, pointed questions and acknowledged that the matter made me feel uncomfortable. Rather than flowing from my dysfunctional self, I chose to be healthy. My husband repaired the van (which is amazing within itself because he usually would just call someone else to do it). I still worked out that night before going to bed.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 87

Its been great! I've actually signed up with 6 REO/Asset Management Firms to list bank-owned properties and conduct BPOs, to include FannieMae. I feel like I have made progress.

I did eat healthy today. For some reason, I have been craving spinach, so I satisfied myself.

My lesson today, day 17 or 21 met me again where I was. Everyday there is an intention you write about in regards to the area of focus for the day. Today's focus was inspiration. I am pleased to report that I inspired someone and God turned around and blessed my socks off with someone inspiring/constructive advice to look at things from a varied perspective for the non-profit organization.

I did make contact with Chase & a negotiator has been assigned. I am believing the 3rd lienholder is going to take the $6k that is being offered and call it a day. I prayed before this call to the 3rd lienholder and it was as if God has subdued this man. He never responds as he did today. I'm glad the seller was on the call because he would not have believed me if I told him myself of this guy's response.

I am appreciating the small things lately and just thankful for the revelation and measures of obedience and my commitment to prayer. I seem to be praying a lot. Its good. I notice I am more even-tempered as a result.

Stay faithful...the weekend is not a time to spurge. If you are interested in joining me at the Mountain tomorrow afternoon, let me know. Peace.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 88...Was Great!

Today, was a great day! I began my day with God before doing anything else. I am amazed with the encounters and the progress of the day. The Bible says, "8Come close to God and He will come close to you..." and I experienced this with my Father today.

Last night, I stayed up creating a narrative of the initiatives for the non-profit org as a result of a request I received. I am committed to starting this organization. I'm glad I didn't give into sleep and allowed myself to be diligent. Energy seemed to exude everywhere within me. The sense of accomplishment that I experienced when I was done was great. Its like it set me up for the encounters I had today with another organization here in Gwinnett County who could be instrumental in the launch and solicitation for participants & partnering with other organizations. I am so thankful. Then, a meeting today with the broker of my real estate office resulted in me serving as the Education Coordinator for the office (which I am passionate about education & encouraging others to thrive). Also, to be a representative with a Community Development Group which focuses on the redevelopment/revitalization of Gwinnett County (without gentrification) and a Community Alliance organization. I'm so appreciative for the exposure. Its like the obedience I exercised on last night was a key that unlocked a door to the next thing or God's grace seems tangible. Against the backdrop of having to speak truth to someone who I don't know like that, but knowing what I was supposed to say and it turned out great - to following through on my word to talk with different people today - to learning of a program for foreign investors collaborations with community development - to being guided how to secure more SHORT SALE listings (which I enjoy working even though they are challenging) ALL OF IT HAS BEEN INSIGHTFUL information that I have put action towards.

I'm so glad that I purchased this CD series while in TJMaxx earlier this year of Joyce Meyers, entitled "Simply Pray". Some of the questions that Tice had that I was not articulating as clear as I would like to have was on disk 2! To see her on her way to school this AM, taking notes and backing up the track was great!

I've also been wondering about a missing ingredient to one of my hair products and I believe I've got it. I just used the mix to touch up my locs. It was inspired by one of my high-maintenance clients calling re: her toddler locs being more frizzy than usual. I prayed. So far, I do like what it feels like, looks like and the overall consistency that I haven't, before now, been able to achieve.

Quiet time
Completed order for Business Cards
Resolved 2008 tax matter (Submit docs)
Ordered Zennioptical for Children
Negotiator assigned for Lasalle Place - close to Short Sale Approval & Closing

NOTE: I had Open House at Tice's culinary arts school, so I ended up eating after 8pm to 820pm. I will also be adding "Replace office light fixture".

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Truth of the Matter...Day 89

I'm so proud of myself! Today my quiet time was great. I just entered the last 7 days of the Consciousness Cleanse and once again I am left with "AHA!" I know I texted today about my struggle from last night and the fear. I chose to spend some time today in prayer about the matter, because it was truly like no other. The discovery...I realized that my fears were based on an old agreement from my childhood that my mother and grandmother made me feel that whatever I presented to them had to be perfectly or it wasn't good enough; or I learned from their responses that it had to be perfect so I wouldn't be judged harshly. My new agreement... "I am as perfect I can be in this moment as a work in progress. I do not need the validation and approval of others to feel good about myself or for what I create for myself. Any judgments that others have of me are just that "their judgments" and I choose to not subscribe to them nor embrace their own insecurities."

Here are the things I want to accomplish in the next now 89 days...(almost 88). I know I was probably a little more detailed than I needed to be, but its also MY checklist. Thanks for coming along with me on this journey. I look forward to seeing what's on "the other side".

• Daily quiet time; preferably first thing in the AM
• Initiate devotional time with children at least 3x out of the week, prayer, open discussion

• Incorporate raw portions into our regular meals (have fun & experiment); sweet treats made by Mommie once per month.
• No eating after 8pm (unless meetings/other plans make it necessary; plan ahead)
• Remove chicken and turkey from my diet

• Finish 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse
• Complete “Why We Want You to be Rich” book questions
• Finish financial check-in for school; re-convene 9/20/10
• Work-out 4 days per week including cardio, weights & calisthenics
• Contact Dr. Rad re: retainers change; Contact GA Dr for physical


• Weekly date night with Babe
• Weekly designated personal time with Benjamin & Tice separately (i.e., foot massage before bed, facials, outings/date night, etc.)

• Complete order for Business Cards
• Bring closure to - LASALLE PLACE
• Establish my services with 3 REO companies each week to position myself to list foreclosed properties & complete Broker Price Opinions (BPOs)
• RE (Real Estate) Promotions (phone prospect for new business (3days per week) & blog at least once per week
• Put 12 Properties on the market
• Attend GA NACA Meeting
• Begin researching franchise guidelines (re: transferring franchise to GA)
Research ATL 25 year plan - Visit w/Kasim Reed
• Establish greeting for my 800# to meet compliance state standards

• Signs for Loc Maintenance & internet marketing for business promo
• Labels and Product Distribution for Hair Products
• Website Development for The Natural Hair Experience, LLC & Update my RE site

• Officially establish the non-profit organization
-Submit budget by 8/26/10
-Write out plans daily until completion…complete everything by 9/20/10

• Get homeowner's insurance quote from USAA
• Get stuff from out of the basement - yard sale or donate by 9/6/10
• Resolve 2008 tax matter (Submit docs)
• Zennioptical for Children
• Appeal rental amount w/Housing Authority
• Resolve Cheverly Property Storm Matter
• Complete

90 Day Mandate - Day 90

Today my lesson was on The Power of Truth. I found it most enlightening to complete the assignments which required me to identify my old agreements and to replace them with new ones concerning the addictive behaviors I still have, me living a smaller expression of my soul's truth and the excuses, justifications, rationalizations and stories I tell myself about why I have not been able to create and change in various areas of my life. It is as though God is ushering me to a me that I have never known like this. Today was day number 14 on my 21 day journey and I'm so glad to be in this moment, able to be truly present. I'm learning to give myself time to grow into the wisdom and knowledge that God is putting before me and loving myself through this process of change.

To come...the commitments I have made to put into action.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Eve of 90-Day Challenge

I am extremely excited about this next leg of my journey! The 90-Day Challenge mandate seems so God-designed & God-inspired that its a reality check of how much my Daddy really loves me. I'm within days of reaching the anniversary of my one year anniversary of "getting out of my own way" (a personal challenge) God blesses me to be stretched to accomplish even greater than before. Its as though He has put me back on the potter's wheel, has begun His reshaping to the place that the old scars are being pressed out and signs of their existence is as a tool and not has a detriment to my Self. Then, He said today, "Let me build in a little courage into her and cause her to reach out to someone she never would've." And do you know, I obeyed and to my surprise, they reached back for accountability, too!

Daddy God, never cease to amaze me. I want to remain as a child, always expecting you to come through and surprise me. Thank you for giving me the courage to reach out with blind faith and then cause them to respond. You know I was not expecting that. I thought I did something by just completing the simple act.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

7.13.10 - GOING PLACES I HAVEN'T BEEN (Apache Cafe)

Last night I actually went to a HIP HOP JAM SESSION @ the APACHE Cafe! I had a good time. To see such a display of talent was amazing. Even in the midst, God speaks. I just chuckled. This group The 5ive did a sampling to get people to come out next weekend. The last song was "POSSIBILITIES"! LOL! Even typing it I feel tickled. It speaks of though he's gone through so much how God is making things better! (God you are awesome.) For real, that was the sign off for the night.

Ate something I had never eaten: Curry Tilapia in a mango curry sauce; caramelized plantains with vanilla ice cream sprinkled with cinnamon.

Went to bed at 3AM! The time was well spent. Change starts with being open to doing and seeing things that you have never experienced before.

7.13.10 - Blog

Now, I know God has jokes, but today was very interestingly charming. After attending a class (real estate related), I went to Chipotle for vegetarian burrito & McDonald's for fries & a tea. I decided to sit in McDonald's to eat my food & read my book. As I read and ate, I kept noticing a flatscreen TV as u come through the door that had the 700 Club on it for customers to view. Still not paying much attention & only looking sporatically, I noticed 3 other christian preachers. I can't help but wonder what the mission statement of this McDonald's is. There 1st presentation is the gospel at one of the busiest McDonald's in ATL Metro Area. There is a profound calm, peacefulness here. If they aren't believers, I would be totally amazed. Somebody is a praying person in here and I know it. God has a way of letting me know He is near and I just love when I slow down long enough to notice. Moreover, to realize that He wants me to petition Him about everything in & about my

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Reality

It occurred to me a couple days ago my declaration I made last September. I am so glad to realize that God's hand has been in the midst of my change. Today, I rejoice because I already know that my life is far different today than it was last September so my expectation for greater is fueled by this realization.

I have taken responsibility for my growth as I feel guided to read. I am a college student, a business woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, a woman after God's heart, a visionary, a mentor and just me. I encourage you to take a look at yourself and make some decisions and declarations too.