Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolution - Results - Resolve

I love this time of year! People gearing up for another year to do things "better", "right", "stronger", and "more lasting"! Man, it is a beautiful thing to observe. What would be equally or even more exceedingly beautiful is them acknowledging their need for help so they can really get to those new ways of life they have every intention to adopt.  However, sadly, those messages don't come nearly as often or forthright as the first.  I encourage you today to set goals, dream dreams, establish a set plan of action...and should you begin to fall off the wagon or feel yourself letting go of the once well - thought and felt enthusiam INBOX ME OR SOMEBODY WHO WILL REMIND you of your "why" in the first place or your once felt enthusiasm or just love you enough to speak truth to you, then I believe true resolve shall come forth. You are never alone and most of the time we can't do it alone. Peace, love & laughter!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

God's Protection is Real!

Two days ago while coming home at a prominent traffic stop, I received the green light. Though other cars went through, it felt like my mind & body was out of sync because my foot hit the gas pedal very slowly even though I had the right of way. In the same instance, this big pickup truck dashed through the light stopping more than 3/4 through the intersection!  The elder man stopped and looked over at me as though I made the light be in my favor and not his.  After that heart jerker, realizing what had taken place and the profound felt that if I could really see in the spirit (I.e., the invisible) it would have exposed a sight that would have left me awestruck...Angels keeping harm from both of us. That intersection is right here by my home so, every time I pass through that area I am moved to thank God for protecting me. His word so reminds me that He fashioned my days (Ps. 139:16).  I am so thankful for God's protection.