Saturday, September 19, 2009

9-18-09: Putting God on the Shelf

God showed me that I still put Him on the shelf and that is why I am screaming to break free, when certain people are around due to past rejection and abandonment because of my walk. As a result of the relationship being reconciled many years ago in a way that only God could do, I would never have imagined that I would've reverted to this behavior again. When that person wasn't around I would have a freedom in God that I didn't have with their being present. Yesterday, that freedom returned; I refuse to put God on the shelf in fear of a person(s) abandoning me. Call me a fanatic, a freak or whatever, because God knows my heart; no one else is qualified to judge. I began to dance for God. There is a dance in my heart that is only for God. Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow,you should dance for God, scream for God, bow before God, whatever the spirit leads you to do. No one absolutely no one should tell you how to love on your God!


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