Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Never, Never, Never Give Up" - from the words of Winston Churchill

I hear the words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up!" Tonight well now this morning marks the end of another term and I am 6 terms to graduating from Liberty University! However, this one didn't come easy. To think, I almost quit! I was fed up with my professor's comments to write in 3rd person professional. No matter what I did, he still gave me that comment amid others. I got decent grades...a B average, yet feel I didn't measure up. Well, not only am I glad I didn't give up, I'm glad I gave it my all in my final paper even to the extent of asking others to talk to me in 3rd person professional. I just turned the paper in so I don't know what my grade is, but it feels ssssssoooooo good knowing I FINISHED STRONG! After turning in my final paper, I looked at my grades to find an even comment from my professor for the paper I almost didn't turn it. It reads,

"Definitely don't quit - you are almost finished...Lashone - I admit that I do grade hard, but it is to help you become the best communicator (educator) that you can be. When you begin to educate young minds - you will expect their best - and you will need to push them to achieve it. I constantly pray for my students. I am looking for a strong finish."

Now, I know what David meant when he said in Psalms that his foot almost slipped. I haven't felt those feelings of quitting like that since my high school days, but back then it wasn't quitting, I just didn't do papers and projects. I'm glad that whatever got me on the other side of that attitude God put in place so that I didn't pass that down to my children's generations, as a result they do great papers and projects. So, in closing, this morning I say thank you to my 50,000 coaches and 2 of them stand best, you know who you are!

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