Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hit the Ball!

I saw the most priceless thing today...a daddy teaching his baby girl how to bat (hit the ball).  He was critiquing her form, telling her how to stand.  All she wanted to do was to hit the ball. He continued to pitch and she continued to swing.  She was hitting the ball and one from afar knew she felt good.  Daddy ran to get the balls while having her stay in the form that brought her success. Tears well up in my eyes when I could hear within myself, "this is what I do for you".  God positions me to hit the ball.  He teaches me the form I am to maintain and the stance I am to take and expects me to continue to swing and swing and swing and swing and hit the ball over and over again until He says enough for today, or better yet this life and calls me onward in Him.  Be encouraged, "its" all for a purpose.

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