Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mind, Flesh & Will - Which Is In Control?

Have you ever felt your body resist you while your mind was willing? I did today! Then, from somewhere within, I felt like a deer in headlights in one part of my being and a "Let's get it!" Attitude on another part when I turned on a different part of my workout program that I had never done. It was 530am, I knew I was going to go all the way even in the presence of this resistence from within myself. I am just thankful that my will was greater than my flesh today. I really came to fully understand 1 Corinthians 9:27, it talks about beating my body and making it my slave. Our bodies are the vehicles that support us in carrying out our life's purpose. The flesh will do only what it's been trained to do. It has no mind of its own. In the changes inwardly and outwardly I have decided to make, I am re - training my body to serve me on a different level and instilling in it the endurance it needs to perform at optimal measures. It will surrender eventually. In the meantime, I will keep showing it that I mean business and not give in to its encouragement to stay where I've been. Just like a rubber band will go back into place unless it is stretched beyond its normal limits, so it is with our body, our minds, even our environments that we live, work and play. Challenge yourself. Push the limits. When you've gone as far as you think you can go, take 3 more steps, then add to it daily.

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