What a day...its amazing what it takes to stay committed to yourself. When someone else is involved it seems that my value of their opinion (i.e., approval, validation, etc.) outweighs my emotions or "feelings" to not do what I've said...that is, if my "feelings" every kick in that makes me want to renege. Anyway, I am getting out of my own way (the rat race) & on to the fast track---i must be ready to play Cashflow :-).
"Most people go through their whole life never living."
"There is NEVER nothing going on."
These lines have been in my head since spending Labor Day with my family chillin', climbing Stone Mountain & bowling. They are from the movie, Peaceful Warrior. I am learning to live and enjoy the qualities of life that I have taken for granted, like resting and taking my time rather than hurry-scurry to do something that's non-emergent. Oh yeah, I forgot to share the revelation I got after trying to jump through the hoops of a new client, who I'd never seen her hair or know anything about, but rather she sounding all urgent & stuff for me to do her hair, but not willing to make any adjustment with her time, rather require me to make them all...I DIDNT DO HER HAIR and for this reason I am glad..."I chose to not let someone else urgent become my emergent." My illness of letting go of my boundaries is being cured.
Today, the thought about the "remnant" kept repeating in my head. I did a study and learned that the "remnant" is a small part of the whole. You know, that makes sense even in the natural...dah...i just thought about carpet for a room. When there is a smaller area, i've gone to Lowe's for a great price on a quality texture of carpet left over from the whole roll that is usually srastically discounted; its called a remnant. From a spiritual perspective though, the remnant are the few that have been found to be really "sold out" to God. This may mean their tests & trials seem endless @ times, however their faith in God is real and a sure thing. They know they can count on God, but God can count on them. I saw many parallels in scripture relevant for where I am and the challenges I am facing. From Isaiah, the painful cleansing process was necessary BEFORE he could fulfill the task to which God was calling him. Before we accept God's call to speak for him to those aroundus, we must be cleansed as Isaiah was. Letting God purify us may be painful, but we must be purified so that we can truly represent God who is pure & holy. (Gathered from my study notes from my Bible.)
So, as I journey to where God seems to be ushering me, I am thankful for the few faithful ones that I have come to know. Thanks for reading.
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