Tuesday, September 22, 2009

9-22-09: I'll Be There

Today's lesson was on Rebellion. I am so glad I am hearing God and obeying Him. Today I had the opportunity to pray for a friend as the Holy Spirit gave me utterance. I am always amazed and thankful when God uses me because I know I am a work in progress. So, when He uses me...yeah! It makes me all something inside.

In completing today's lesson, I was reminded of the areas where I am rebellious and to repent. I also read the types of authority that GOD put into place. In reading about deacons, there was a line in there that was so clear to me today; it states, "before they are asked to be deacons they should be given other jobs in the church as a test of their character and ability, and if they do well then they may be chosen as deacons." Many times we see ourselves as "qualified" to do the thing that we feel God is calling us to do, but we can't qualify ourselves. It is only after the time of testing. It is God who qualifies me. I have to check my attitude when I am asked to do something I don't want to do or which is not "convenient" for me to do. Am I still loving then or rebelling still? I'm so glad that God doesn't write me off when I end up on the side of error. He doesn't condemn me because it is His desire that I "get it" and He knows what He put in me. With that, he let me know that, "LaShone, I'm here for you...so you can be there when I have need of you. Fear not. I have redeemed you! I have called you by name. Child, you are mine. When you water I will be there and through the flames. You'll not, be drowned! You'll not be burned! For I am with you." Thanks for reading.

P.s. I got another day to spend with my children, however today I had to enforce disciplines so that they won't get too relaxed during times that they would usually be at school. Nonetheless, it was a good day!

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing that can compare to quality family time, pull out the board games and make it a day!


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