I pondered what to write... This was a day of diligence. I went from one thing to the next. I did my lesson on rebellion. I read my Bible. I went into the office. Nothing was standing out for me to record for this day, UNTIL, I read the section in my book by Kim Kiyosaki, "Rich Woman", TO Do vs TO Have, Subsection, BE - HAVE - DO! First of all it was in a section that if you were looking for it you wouldn't have found it. To read the section in its entirety, see page 240 to 244.
""BE is your beingness; who you are. DO is the doingness; what you do. HAVE is your havingness; what you have. So who you are and what you do determines what you have. For example, if you want to have a baby then you have to be a mother-to-be and what you have to do is get pregnant, get doctor check-ups, take care of your health, prepare for the baby, and finally give birth. The key is that your focus from the start is not on all the things you have to do, your focus is on what you want to have - 'I want to have a baby'" ... All you have to focus on is what you want to have because what you want to have is a much stronger motivator than what you have to do... Concentrate on what you have want to have and what you have to do will happen. Up to this point who you are and what you do have gotten you what you have today. If you want to change what you have...then you have to change who you are and what you do. If you don't then you will remain with what you have..."
After reading this, though I went to bed, I couldn't go to sleep. I ended up getting up and finishing the book. I have been "finishing the book" now for about a month, but something kept getting in the way. This section impacted me so much! It reminded me that while I was driving today that I want to play the CASHFLOW GAME in real life with real money and people and situations. I also realize that I want to be the agent the sells million dollar properties. I have shyed away from this and have told myself that what it takes "I can't afford", but my husband told me tonight, "Yes, you can." I am so thankful. "You can afford it." He began to share with me what I can do and how I can work it and that my way of doing it is unique and how I can use my network of Realtors outside of the state to get my properties sold in ATL. I am so thankful with tear-filled eyes as I write this because when you stop rebelling God has a way of speaking to you that you don't otherwise "hear & receive" from any other state of mind. Y'all there was a time I stopped dreaming and I didn't know what I wanted to be, do or have. To see, God giving it back to me in small portions but huge on the mind, OH I am so blessed. Thanks for reading.
P.s. There were 2 other sections that blessed my socks off... "Trust Yourself" and "Full Throttle". Who knows, they may be topics later.
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