Overcoming doubt...I'm glad God allowed this opportunity to believe & trust Him to come along. In going through this, I realize that because I put my hopes up and they were let down (or I didn't get what I was expecting), it became a challenge for me to trust God in many other things since then. - Leaning to my own understanding. - I understand that I let doubt in my not making time on my own apart from a book to get to know God better; purposeful, daily study/bible reading time. There may be other ways, but I am a one thing at a time kinda woman. I didn't think this was an area of concern; I read, I pray. In servicing one of my Clients today, I was convicted and encouraged by his sharing his story of how he has studied for years! So, while I understand I may not do it like him...I am committed to daily reading apart from any book or otherwise that I may be doing. SO, today I began with Psalms 1. Hey, I don't have all day to obey! Oh, even the study notes blessed me...let me share :-):
- Knowing God intimately drives away doubt, fear and loneliness.
- Those who diligently try to obey God are like healthy fruit-bearing trees with strong roots.
- There are only 2 paths of life to choose: God's way of obedience or the way of rebellion. (sounds like the Matrix with red & blue pill)
- When the scriptures promises "everything you do shall prosper", it does NOT mean immunity from failure or difficulties. Nor is it a guarantee of health, wealth & happiness. It means when God's wisdom is applied to our lives, the fruit it bears in us will be good and receive God's approval. Just as a tree soaks up water & bears luscious fruit, we are to soak up God's Word, producing actions & attitudes that honor God.
My goal is to obey immediately. I have wasted too much time pondering and procrastinating, waiting on the "right" time to get it in/on... everyday is a special occassion. No need in saving the best for last...the best is now.
OHHHH, guess what? I saw another rose! This time standing tall! It one again. This time on the opposite side of my front porch. Standing head and shoulders over the hedges...they were just cut evenly last week. It's head was small, color: medium pink! This time I tugged on it to see how strong the stem was. What do you know? It is strong!!!! I remember an old man telling me to cut the first rose and the others will be bigger. Well, I didn't cut it (i better go correct this so I can see some bigger ones...LOL)! I don't want a rose bush right there though. I am thankful with the lessons though...some people don't want me where I have been planted by God...but it doesn't change a thing. Watch me grow. 9/3/2010 its going to be a party!
OMG! God just blessed me with a young lady (15yo) to help me set my business up in FACEBOOK! I have been needing the "know-how" to do this for a couple of months!
Thanks for reading.
I'm with you all the way! I too will start to obey immediately, why wait on something that pleases God? Like we are taught at the Factory leaders go first! When it gets tough and we start to take on a defeated mentality let's commit to reading Romans 8:18. It just basically lets us know that what we are dealing with cannot compare to where God is taking us. Hey, that sounds like a journey to me. I'm so excited, the sanguine in me is about to burst out.