I love this time of year! People gearing up for another year to do things "better", "right", "stronger", and "more lasting"! Man, it is a beautiful thing to observe. What would be equally or even more exceedingly beautiful is them acknowledging their need for help so they can really get to those new ways of life they have every intention to adopt. However, sadly, those messages don't come nearly as often or forthright as the first. I encourage you today to set goals, dream dreams, establish a set plan of action...and should you begin to fall off the wagon or feel yourself letting go of the once well - thought and felt enthusiam INBOX ME OR SOMEBODY WHO WILL REMIND you of your "why" in the first place or your once felt enthusiasm or just love you enough to speak truth to you, then I believe true resolve shall come forth. You are never alone and most of the time we can't do it alone. Peace, love & laughter!
My "journey" is a collection of inspiration, revelation and understandings I have gained since accepting my reality as it was 9.3.2009 which was that I was a long way off from the authentic "me". I am thankful for each teacher that has appeared and continues to re-present in my life. Being a student has been very rewarding. However it amazes me when the student becomes the teacher too! "Thank you!" to my 50,000 coaches! Your life matters :-)
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
God's Protection is Real!
Two days ago while coming home at a prominent traffic stop, I received the green light. Though other cars went through, it felt like my mind & body was out of sync because my foot hit the gas pedal very slowly even though I had the right of way. In the same instance, this big pickup truck dashed through the light stopping more than 3/4 through the intersection! The elder man stopped and looked over at me as though I made the light be in my favor and not his. After that heart jerker, realizing what had taken place and the profound calm...it felt that if I could really see in the spirit (I.e., the invisible) it would have exposed a sight that would have left me awestruck...Angels keeping harm from both of us. That intersection is right here by my home so, every time I pass through that area I am moved to thank God for protecting me. His word so reminds me that He fashioned my days (Ps. 139:16). I am so thankful for God's protection.
Monday, November 11, 2013
12 Years A Slave...My Takeaway
I just finished seeing the movie, "12 Years A Slave". I am not interested in seeing anymore slave movies. The injustice done to Solomon Northrup was an atrocity. Then to think no one reaped via the legal system for it though they were wrong.
As I continue to reflect, I think of other things, such as...
1. How do we teach our children to know who they are to the point it cannot be beaten out of them?
2. Teach my children how to be angry but not use it to justify wrong actions.
3. Am I using my freedom to be all that I feel I am called to be?
4. When is "I'm tired" truly a justification for not doing anything towards my goals and rest?
I am fueled to make the suffering of my ancestors and those that went before me COUNT by LIVING...not just surviving. That looks like something, such as pushing pass the injustices that still occur today because my conditions are nothing compared to what they endured. It looks like, not letting fear or my insecurities cause me to be silenced or incapacitated from taking the next step for permitting a natural/supernatural progression. It's also evaluating some of my disciplines and responses and changing those things that no longer serve me or the work that I am to do.
Seeing a movie like this has the power to anger me to change what I hate about the things that I have accepted as true and acceptable, or simply be mad about what occurred in the movie and at times still do. I choose the first. I am angered to love even when loving seems like the weakest thing to do though it is the strongest of all. Then, act I a manner that is honorable and honoring for both myself and the "great cloud of witnesses".
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Today, I completed a 10-day exercise on "Self-Acceptance"! What a difference a day makes, let alone 10 days! When I began, I wasn't expecting to get much out of it though I was determined to be committed to the process. Now, on the other side of 10 days, I love myself so much more. I know who I am and I realize I am evolving into who God has created me to be. My natural strengths and talents have been underutilized. The things I had been putting off are part of me living utilizing my natural strengths, talents and abilities to the fullest. There is more than what I can post here on trusting myself and making decisions and the experience of writing yourself a love letter that would turn this day's blog into a book so I refrain for today. Nonetheless, I encourage you as a cheerleader for your team of 1...get on your way to SELF ACCEPTANCE, if you haven't already and watch the difference it will make in your life and those around you. Be the change you want to see! In the end, as closing remarks here's what my take was:
"Thank you for this lesson on self acceptance! It seems that God has prescribed these various tools to bring me to a level of wholeness I have not experienced before now. Thank you for your contribution to my journey. The take aways are far greater than the time spent and I am so much further along than I ever imagined a little 10-day exercise could have ever yielded. I am here! I do matter; my presence matters. My voice matters. My vote matters. Somebody wants to hear what I have to say! No one is more important than me." Namaste
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I Shall Have What I Decree!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Go Be Who You Are...You Cannot Fly Until You Break the Shell
Enjoy her new song... "Break the Shell"! The lyrics are beautiful! Below are just some of them...
You cannot fly until you break the shell....
Courage is not being hard...its time to peel back all of the layers you put between who you were meant to be and who you are....and go be who you are....
So much disappointment to finally understand...there is no such thing as perfect...we are simply doing the best that we can...and we have the choice to truly be alive!
(Chorus) Child its time to break the shell
life is going to hurt but its meant to be felt
you cannot touch the sky from inside yourself
you cannot fly until you break the shell
You'll be stuck on the ground until...you finally break the shell!
The 2-Letter Word
Monday, May 13, 2013
Tow Trucks & Chauffeurs
What a great weekend! I graduated from college, got to go Myrtle Beach, spend time with my Ma (Marie), Sis (Desney), nieces & nephews and soon to be additional family! I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day celebrating my son's 13th birthday and simply enjoying the love of those nearest and dearest to me, my Babe & Shontice. What we didn't expect was for the "Mothership" we respectfully call our van to break down on the way returning home. Stopping off the highway to a filling station led us to McDonny's, an off the beating path automobile mechanic spot that had the likings of being in a movie. It literally reminded me of the mechanic station in "Peaceful Warrior"! The people were the sweetest that one could ever experience in the midst of a crisis of your main source of transportation to get home which was 181.4 miles away. While we waited, we learned how to play darts, was offered beverages and opportunity to sit back and relax while Trish sought quotes for a transmission for our 1999 Conversion Van with 220,000 miles! In short, we decided on the van being towed home with us in tow. Yes, this option required us to pay more than we would've liked, however thankful at the same time for the provision via a combination of great insurance and money to pay the difference. What this resulted in was being chauffeured home in the cleanest tow truck I could've asked for! It also meant my husband could relax before having to go to work and my children experiencing something new, me sharing my beautiful flowers with a lady (Trish) whom I could tell do not get them often and an chance to choose a different emotion & attitude than I would otherwise. When I say, "profound peace", that is what I had and have in the midst (as I am still enjoying the ride while typing this), even amid talking with the rental car people and waiting on pricing before solidifying the final option.
In conclusion, what I accept is that regardless of being chauffeured in a limousine or a tow truck, your attitude can make the experience a joy or a catastrophe. In this instance, a "joy" it was for all parties and purposes involved. You never know who you are going to meet and why paths must cross as they sometimes do, however when things are beyond your control, I hope you will stop and see them as "God moments" or your time to shine for Jesus or let Him shine on or in you. "I love you to pieces" is what a dear friend left on my voicemail and that's what living is all about.
BIG PROPS TO: C.M. Towing of Lexington, SC (Jeremie) the best tow truck and service all around & McDonny's Auto Mechanics, Lexington, SC! Thank you for great service!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
You Are Mine!
I just love how God reminds me that I am His, particularly as He states in Isaiah 43. It makes me feel all good inside. In a world where people can and will write you off quicker than you can blink your eyes over some of the most trivial things, it is reassuring to know that God never disowns you:-) or I. Ponder that...sweet dreams!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Are You Living a Lie?
I'm sitting here in the comforts of my home, watching Oprah's Next Chapter (one of my favorite TV shows) interview with Jason Collins. I am so proud of this family! Their display of the how a well-to-do, educated, African-American family handles a matter such as this in a functional way is a great example for many others from all cultures & walks of life to see. Also, witnessing the genuine support that they have and rally behind Jason in his decision is refreshing too. I am happy for Jason! For me, its not so much of his "coming out" as it is that he doesn't have to live a lie anymore. The burden, the hiding, the secret, the lie and having to live that way is no way for anyone to live. Can you imagine how it could have affected his game and so much more? Listening to Mr. Collins divulge how he came to his decision to tell the truth one could easily find fault, however I was moved with the question of, "how many others are living a lie?", not so much about their sexuality, rather in anything they are experiencing. Of course, you cannot ponder that question without turning those reflections and that examination inward. One of my "aha"s is accepting that I have held back in the growth of my business, even though I display that I am giving it my all. That too is a lie. To make it right, tonight I have decided to proceed with the things that have been in my heart to do from the classes, to the signage, to systems and take courage. Also, accepting that I have a toxic relationship with my mother and sister that is healthier for me to keep my distance and love them from afar than to continuously subjecting or leaving myself open to or for their unwelcomed verbal vomit rather than creating a facade which eats at my spirit. To think, I previously felt that if I accepted this truth and lived in this space that I would not be allowed to do the other things that are in my heart. It was as though my being in some sort of happy relations with them would in some way validate who I am or give me license for me to go forth. Thank you Mr. Collins for coming out...in so doing I have chosen to come out in my own personal way that unleashed the mental depravity that I once found solace though it was a prison in and of its own making.
I am in a great place and look forward to more beautiful experiences & living life out loud! Thanks for reading and responding :-)
Saturday, May 4, 2013
How Bad Do You Want to Succeed?
Oh, I loved this speech so much I am sharing the abbreviated version on here. Visit youtube.com and see the longer version if you choose. Take a look and you will understand why!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Recovery in Progress
Watch "Recovery in Motion" on YouTube
This being my 1st day out for a light walk was refreshing even though at times my mind was playing tricks on me and it felt my own insecurities were getting the best of me, especially when all sorts & sizes of people were passing me. It was then that I had to see what I had to be thankful for! See last week I couldn't do this! I thank God even for the "I Am" Poem by Dr. Cindy Trimm. God used that to get my perspective straight. Yes, I am a runner, but perhaps God has me walking through these stages of recovery which are really stages of growth so that I can exercise some compassion and patience later with or for someone else or even with myself. I accept that I am an overachiever, though with that comes a relentless pushing of myself and sometimes others that makes it hard to be creative and giving. I'm so glad God chose now to "slow my troll" :-) Rest truly is the best medicine. Living in His Joy and claiming the victory Jesus Christ has won for ME!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Brene Brown & Oprah Winfrey 6 People Who Do Not Deserve to Hear Your Shame Story
6 Types of People Who Do Not Deserve to Hear Your Shame Story
When something shameful happens in your life, shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says, there are six types of people with whom you shouldn't share the story. Watch to find out who they are. Plus, hear why she says everyone needs just one "move-the-body friend."
Brene Brown & Oprah Winfrey - Knowing Who to Share Your Story With
6 Types of People Who Do Not Deserve to Hear Your Shame Story
When something shameful happens in your life, shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says, there are six types of people with whom you shouldn't share the story. Watch to find out who they are. Plus, hear why she says everyone needs just one "move-the-body friend."
Brene Brown & Oprah Winfrey - Shame is Lethal!
Dr. Brené Brown: "Shame Is Lethal"
Shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says shame is the intensely painful feeling that we are unworthy of love and belonging. It's the most primitive human emotion we all feel—and the one no one wants to talk about. If left to its own devices, Dr. Brown says, shame can destroy lives. Watch as she reveals the three things shame requires to grow—and the one thing that can stop shame in its tracks.
Brene Brown & Oprah Winfrey - Great (Self) & Parenting Tip!!
Dr. Brené Brown: Why Shame Is So Prevalent in Classrooms
Shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says shame is the number one classroom management tool in schools of every kind in this country. Find out what Dr. Brown wants all parents to know about shame, humiliation and name-calling.
Brene Brown & Oprah Winfrey - Speaking Out About Your Shame
Dr. Brené Brown: Why Guilt Is Better Than Shame
Shame and vulnerability researcher Dr. Brené Brown says shame is highly correlated with addiction, depression, eating disorders, violence, bullying and aggression. Guilt, however, is not. Find out why she says there's such a big difference between shame and guilt. Plus, watch as she reveals how she talks to herself when feeling shame, and get the one surefire way to pull yourself out of a shame spiral.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
"I Don't Feel Like It..."
:-) "Success is achieved step-by-step, not leap-by-leap!"
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
"Like" My Page, but Stay on Your Own
Inspired by SuperSoul Sunday (Ms. Winfrey's Interview on 3/17/13)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Restoration Has Finally Come
"Go and sin no more!"...is what I hear Jesus saying...
"I love you with an everlasting Love. It is not your fault that you were birthed into situations and families that caused you to experience a variation of life that you thought was not befitting for who you are or who you think you shall become, but I know the plans I have for you. My plans are to prosper you and to give you a future. It is all for My good purpose and nothing shall harm you. NOTHING! It is for My good pleasure and the perfect work that I began, I COMPLETE! I AM the PERFECT FINISHER. The enemy asked Me once, can I sift her as wheat? To that, My response was, "No!" There will always be those that desire to challenge your existence, your authority and My power within You. However, do not give into such idiocy. I AM your EXAMPLE, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." I didn't have to prove who I AM...and neither do you. Walk in faith and victory!"
Monday, January 21, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Its a New Year!
Watch "Fred Hammond & RFC - When You Praise" on YouTube
For some, the realization of a new year is not a joyous, clarion call to come up higher, but I appreciate all that God has done, is doing and will do in my life. I sense a breaking free of the things that has bound me for so long and pray your release also. I know I haven't blogged in a long time. I appreciate the silence also. Yet, He still speaks. Every revelation you get cannot be publicly shared, though it is treasured and held closely to your heart.