Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolution - Results - Resolve

I love this time of year! People gearing up for another year to do things "better", "right", "stronger", and "more lasting"! Man, it is a beautiful thing to observe. What would be equally or even more exceedingly beautiful is them acknowledging their need for help so they can really get to those new ways of life they have every intention to adopt.  However, sadly, those messages don't come nearly as often or forthright as the first.  I encourage you today to set goals, dream dreams, establish a set plan of action...and should you begin to fall off the wagon or feel yourself letting go of the once well - thought and felt enthusiam INBOX ME OR SOMEBODY WHO WILL REMIND you of your "why" in the first place or your once felt enthusiasm or just love you enough to speak truth to you, then I believe true resolve shall come forth. You are never alone and most of the time we can't do it alone. Peace, love & laughter!


  1. This can be done and I am a witness to your growth, some of your dreams and your many accomplishments. God has truly blessed me with you as a friend who speaks truth and will not allow the space of excuses. The space for an excuse is replaced with motivation. I thank God for that authentic you. I am a student learning the way.

  2. Thank you Stephanie for your reply! You are truly a gem. It is more of a pleasure me watching your growth as a woman, a wife, a mother and college student! Keep handling your business and know you can reach out anytime.


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