Monday, April 22, 2013

Recovery in Progress

Watch "Recovery in Motion" on YouTube

This being my 1st day out for a light walk was refreshing even though at times my mind was playing tricks on me and it felt my own insecurities were getting the best of me, especially when all sorts & sizes of people were passing me.  It was then that I had to see what I had to be thankful for! See last week I couldn't do this! I thank God even for the "I Am" Poem by Dr. Cindy Trimm.  God used that to get my perspective straight.  Yes, I am a runner, but perhaps God has me walking through these stages of recovery which are really stages of growth so that I can exercise some compassion and patience later with or for someone else or even with myself.  I accept that I am an overachiever, though with that comes a relentless pushing of myself and sometimes others that makes it hard to be creative and giving. I'm so glad God chose now to "slow my troll" :-) Rest truly is the best medicine. Living in His Joy and claiming the victory Jesus Christ has won for ME!

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