Saturday, November 29, 2014

Remembering Where I Came From

This is something I have not done in years! I am lying in my bed watching TV. I just saw an episode of "Good Times" and it brought back memories that seem like it wasn't so long ago. In this episode, J.J. went to the unemployment office trying to secure work so he could help his mom meet the rent and the bills. The social services worker was being so uppity that it caused J.J. to act out towards her taking her stamp out of her hand and letting her know that he hoped she not get out of her job and end up on the other side of the desk.

I recall being in one of the lowest places of my life and having to get the aide of "the system". This was one position that I vowed to never be in. I recall the feelings that J.J. experienced, though I didn't act out on them. I remember having to wait and being the kind of person I was & still am, I always have a book so I would read to distract myself from the horrid surroundings. However, this one day I will never forget having this "feeling" to look around. Then, this notion to write about what I saw. While I was busy trying to numb myself to the feelings I felt for having to be there and blind myself to the others that were there too, God was trying to show me something completely different that smashed my perception. See, before being there myself, many years prior I cast judgments on "those people" who spent time getting aid as though they were all just "milking the system". To my surprise, being on that side of reality, I awakened to the fact that most of them were not "milking the system". Moreover, the needs outweighed the aid the families were receiving. I also began to have conversations with so many ladies and gentlemen. To hear their stories and learn of their situation always made mine feel as though "what did I have to complain about". Being "green" in this area, it was other aided recipients that informed me about how to turn in docs and C.Y.A. (cover my anus) in this arena. I am thankful today for where God with His "super" added to my "natural" has brought me from those not so long ago moments. I also recognize that no one is immuned to requiring such aid and support, so be careful to not cast judgment on those that are. Sure, there are some that may use it to supplement their income and may even get away with "milking the system", but what I know for sure majority of them are not. #moretocome #rememberwhereyoucamefrom #soyoudontrepeatit
#rebound #resilience

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