I sit in the van waiting for my daughter to tie up loose ends regarding her dorm and I am elated! I have diligently been appealing with the administration at my university to allow me to register for both my Education and Psychology Interns for Fall 2012. While this should have been pretty easy to do as registering for the rest of my classes were over the years, it wasn't. Why? Because the education intern requires a clearance which I began May 2012 and improper guidance was given for one of the background checks. As for the Psychology intern, after attaining approval for serving with Gwinnett County CASA, I was told I didn't have sufficient Psyc classes specificly not including my life coaching one completed. However, my advisor had a different understanding. Nonetheless both classes were very important to me because they mark the end of my undergraduate studies as of December 14, 2012! So, calling, writing and appealing I did with department heads and administration to get special approvals for both! Now, there are some people who would have made comments to the likes of "maybe now is not the time" and putting God in it in a way that makes God out to be some passive person. I was certain in both what I was supposed to do...does that mean if I didn't get the approvals I was disobedient or something, no. However, it sure feels good for that to have been the results though! In both situations, I know I have made a difference with my university and future students will not experience the things I did. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Fighting isn't a "bad" or "off" thing, rather an experience many times to see to what degree you say you really want something. I am not sorry for the experience. I am better. It showed me that I have matured and that I really do know how to assert myself in a manner that honors God and me. Today, I am so proud of myself and the challenges that I have overcome. I still have 2 classes to finish this summer ending on 8/17/2012 before I get to start the Fall classes 8/20/12, so I have in no way "arrived". Law school looks more in view than it ever has and I'm so glad about it! What is it standing in your way to your achieving the results you are certain you are to have? Before you throw in the towel and discredit yourself for the prize and justify that "now may not be the time for it", have you exhausted your resources and demonstrated it by the energy you were willing to expend for it? If not, pray and see how you are to proceed. You never know you may be the difference that the world is waiting for! Who knows?!
My "journey" is a collection of inspiration, revelation and understandings I have gained since accepting my reality as it was 9.3.2009 which was that I was a long way off from the authentic "me". I am thankful for each teacher that has appeared and continues to re-present in my life. Being a student has been very rewarding. However it amazes me when the student becomes the teacher too! "Thank you!" to my 50,000 coaches! Your life matters :-)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Anything Worth Having is Worth Fighting For...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
There is something to be said when you cannot pause. I just finished a pretty extensive run of classes. I know it was the Lord that awakened me this morning and I had to get out of bed at 545a on a day that should've been a "down day" due to it being the 4th of July. The short story version is I had not finished my major assignment for my Marriage Coaching class (which was now late) and took the late penalty for the Psychology Research assignment the night before. Unbeknownst to me, I was tired. I had not "paused" to purposefully assess my own behavior which were tell-tale signs first and foremost. Nonetheless, when you read this research paper, let me tell you, I know God gave me the Abstract which in turn gave me direction. Yes, I had an idea of what the topic was supposed to be, but nothing else. I was so busy dreading and not doing the work and acting like I had all the time in the world to get it done. This is so out of character for me. Now, with all my work in except the last last research assignment (its in to my professor to review just not on the assignment link), and my real estate work that I met the deadline for, I had a headache but was thinking it was the half cup of coffee I had at about 730am just for taste and warmth. I was still ignoring the signs. After my quiet time, I decided to lay down...its now 3 or 4 hours later and I just awakened realizing now how tired I must have been and the additional things I wanted to get done. All I can say is that I'm glad I laid down and feeling the headache subsiding as I type this. P.A.U.S.E.D<:
Pray & Purposely
Assess & Adjust
yoU, yoUr, oUr
Effectively &
Deliberately Decide to obey the call.
Your very life depends on it.